RCRA is committed to assisting the communities of Australia to benfit and participate in the success of these products. One way RCRA is sharing their success is by supporting our local community. Buying locally wherever possible has injected valuable cash resources into the Murweh Shire. As we grow so do our suppliers.
RCRA would like to thank the businesses of the Murweh Shire for supporting us through the years of development.
This year RCRA became a supporting partner of the Burleigh BBQ Championships, and our Director helped with Judging the event. Being the premium product in Australia, allowed us to offer up half a tonne of BBQ Charcoal as prizes as well as well as the administrative sponsorship that helped make the event so successful. Congratulations to all of the divisional winners and a sincere thank you to all competitors.
Last but by no means least, none of it would have happened without Greg Dean and his master team of helpers. Judging the food is work, Right?